Posts By: Lauren Woods

National Day of unplugging: How to digital detox

by Lauren Woods • February 27, 2023
National Day of Unplugging Making a digital detox work for you Technology is great, right? From the moment we wake up in the morning, to the point our head rests on the same pillow at night, technology plays a massive role in our day to day lives. It keeps us up to date with everything [...]

Food Influencer

5 Instagram food influencers to follow in 2023

by Lauren Woods • February 7, 2023

When it comes to showcasing food and drink on social, few do It better than Instagram. With photo and video sharing being at the core of their platform, along with the use of trending hashtags such as #foodporn, #foodphotography and #foodstagram, it’s little surprise that Instagram is often the home to some of the biggest […]

Five reasons you need a marketing strategy

by Lauren Woods • January 30, 2023

We all love a bit of spontaneity from time to time, don’t we? Taking an impromptu break in the sun or throwing the meal plan to the side in favour of a take-away on hump day, can be refreshingly empowering when we feel like we need a break from the grind. But eventually, we like […]

What is branding and why is it important?

by Lauren Woods • August 11, 2022

What is branding? Put simply, branding is how businesses distinguish themselves from each other, it’s how consumers identify a particular business.   Where Branding Began Over the years, the meaning of “branding” has evolved. Way back in the 19th century, packaged goods were on the rise, competition was heating up and business owners distinguished their products with a […]

Creating a buzz around your brand

by Lauren Woods • August 11, 2022

The size of your business no longer matters when it comes to social media, the smallest of companies can boost their business by investing time into their online presence. Not using social media to market your products or services, or utilising it ineffectively, can result in a negative impact on your business and as a […]

Content Calendars

by Lauren Woods • August 1, 2022

Plan your business’ social media content effectively with a Content Calendar. Planning content for social media is not an easy task. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration like the time of the day, the type of content, and the audience.  A social media content calendar can help you in this […]